Monday 12 January 2015

Secrets to a Great Homemade Pizza: Pizza Frankfort IL

There is nothing nicer or more comforting than sinking your teeth into a big, mouth-watering slice of pizza from your local pizzeria. A nice slice of pizza is indeed a slice of heaven, but would you like to recreate this little bit of heaven in your own kitchen? Think you can’t? Think again!

Read on to discover our secrets to a great homemade pizza and in no time at all you will be treated to the tempting and delectable smell of your very own pizza creation!

  1. Hot, Hot, Hot
Preheating your oven to the correct temperature is vital to the success of your pizza. Make sure you preheat your oven for at least half an hour to ensure that your pizza will cook thoroughly. To go one step further, why not invest in a Pizza in Frankfort, IL stone? It’s a specialized slab of stone that you heat up and use to cook your pizza on. As the stone heats, it displaces that heat evenly and retains it, ensuring that your pizza crust is as crispy and as perfectly browned as it should be! 

  1. Work it!
Kneading your dough thoroughly is very important to creating a great homemade pizza. Kneading allows air to mix with your dough and ensures that all the dough ingredients are combined to the correct consistency. When kneading, make sure to sprinkle a little flour on your work surface as doing this will prevent your dough from sticking. Also, be careful not to over knead – once you can stretch your dough without breaking, you’re done!

  1. Fresh is Best
When making a homemade pizza, make sure you choose the freshest ingredients to ensure a flavorsome and scrumptious pizza! Using the plumpest tomatoes to make your tomato puree, the juiciest toppings such as pepperoni, mushrooms and peppers and fresh herbs such as basil and oregano will make your homemade pizza stand out from the crowd.

As you can see a little bit of preparation and work makes it totally possible to make a delicious homemade pizza from the comfort of your very own kitchen.